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BADGE - Newsletter 160 (July 2024)

18 September 2024 Partners' news

External newsletter July 2024 - N° 160


Why invest

in a start-up?

Dear Business Angels friends, dear readers,

There's no shortage of "good" investment opportunities. Just ask your banker, despite the constraints imposed by the European MIFID 2 directive.

Yet we Business Angels are attracted to investing in innovative start-ups, despite the high level of risk involved. Business Angels have many motivations. I'll summarize the main ones: to support innovation and economic development, to continue to apply your skills and expertise to the benefit of project owners, to improve your knowledge of the company in areas you haven't yet covered (legal, accounting, technical, human...), to make part of your available savings grow, while secretly hoping to hit the jackpot.

To this end, the diversity of behavior within our network is extremely varied. BADGE is undoubtedly one of the most associative networks in the country. Files are analyzed by members, for members. The success of this mode of operation relies on the necessary trust in the judgment of the BAs in charge of detecting, validating and examining applications. This is why an instructor recommending investment in his or her project is asked to participate by committing his or her own funds. The financial professional will base his recommendation on analysts' opinions, without having to follow them.

What are the reasons for the wide diversity of our members' investment choices? Some investors apply a sector-based selection: healthcare, cleantech, industrial, digital, etc. Beyond personal criteria, for a successful project that is a priori "eligible", what is it that leads a large number of investors to participate while others with the financial means will stay away? What are their cognitive criteria?

Some will apply a logical approach, others will follow their intuition. What influence does the emotional state of the moment have on the investment decision? The current process at BADGE combines meetings with project owners and a detailed documentary database fed by those involved and the instructors. How much mental effort is required to analyze a project and make a decision?

To shed some light on these issues, Dr. Catherine Deffains-Crapsky, Professor of Management and Finance at GRANEM, University of Angers, and her team have studied the contribution of psycho-cognitive analysis to the decision-making processes of BADGE's Business Angels.

Dr. Catherine Deffains-Crapsky will present a detailed analysis of the study at the opening of the monthly meeting on September 24, so mark your calendars and come one, come all.

In the meantime, the new school year will be marked by a Selection Committee meeting on Tuesday September 10 at the Maison des Polytechniciens, and I wish you a great summer and a healthy return.

Best regards,

Paul Leondaridis,

Chairman of Business Angels des Grandes Écoles.

A look back at the BADGE Annual General Meeting

Monday June 24, 2024

After a remarkable year in which BADGE recorded excellent results, a general meeting was held on Monday June 24 at the Mairie du 7ème arrondissement in Paris, bringing together a large number of business angels and marking an important moment for our network.

The event kicked off with a talk by Grégoire Postel-Vinay, Ingénieur Général des Mines, Chairman of the Industry and Services Division of the Académie des Technologies, Member of the Conseil Général de l'Économie, and Editor-in-Chief of the Annales des Mines at the French Ministry of the Economy. The presentation, entitled "QUOD LIBET: Quelques aspects sur l'état des écosystèmes de la tech et des start-ups en France en 2024" (QUOD LIBET: a few aspects on the state of the tech and start-up ecosystems in France in 2024), sparked enriching exchanges with participants.

Jacques Tamisier, Honorary President of our network, gave a funny and pertinent presentation on the life of a business angel, illustrated by the offbeat drawings of the famous French cartoonist Olivier Vouktchevitch (Voutch).

Our Chairman, Paul Leondaridis, then presented the association's balance sheet, reviewing our portfolio of investments, our key figures, the highlights of the past year and the outlook for the coming years.

The Annual General Meeting re-elected Charlotte Gazeau, Paul Leondaridis and Jacques Tamisier to the Board of Directors. On behalf of the association, the Chairman expressed his thanks to Paul Bruma, retiring director and head of the sourcing division, for his years of commitment to the network, during which he has energized this essential division and identified nuggets within incubators and at ecosystem events.

Michael Schack, a business angel, joins our Board of Directors, taking over from Paul Bruma as head of sourcing.

The AGM concluded with a convivial cocktail party, during which we had the pleasure of sampling delicious products from the AuraLIP start-up.



Monthly meetings with presentations of innovative fund-raising projects led by Philippe Pernot, Vice-Chairman in charge of project appraisal.

Members only.
Non-members, ask for your invitation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Monthly meeting, Maison des Polytechniciens, 12 rue de Poitiers 75007 Paris and by Zoom.

I request my invitation

News from our funded startups

Start-up Enalees raises €15 million in Series A financing

Enalees, the start-up biotech revolutionizing veterinary diagnostics, has entered a new phase in its development with a €15 million Series A financing round, thanks to the participation of the SPI 2 (Société de Projets Industriels 2) fund, managed on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance as part of France 2030, and the support of its historic investors. This funding will enable the company to expand in three major areas: the establishment of its new rapid PCR test manufacturing plant in Essonne, with the aim of increasing production capacity to four million tubes per year. The development of results analysis software connected to the veterinary laboratory environment, simplifying the use of the diagnostic solution. Establishment of a subsidiary in North America.

Read more

Geosophy and IGNfab win Cap Digital award

for the best start-up x corporate collaboration

Winner of IGNfab's 6th "Energy and Climate" call for projects, Geosophy has benefited since 2021 from the expertise, support of the Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière incubator, IGNfab. The Cap Digital competitiveness cluster singled out Geosophy and IGNfab in the "Start-up x Corporate Collaboration" category at the Cap Digital 2024 summer meetings for their collaboration on the energy transition of buildings based on geo-energy.

Read the press release

Our startups are recruiting

The Cyclair start-up uses precision robotics, information technology and artificial intelligence to ensure the economic and ecological transition of agriculture in France. The company is looking for an Agricultural Machinery Product Owner (M/F) to join its team.

I am applying

The start-up Inergeen designs and markets eco-responsible and inclusive living spaces. The company is looking for a Low Carbon Construction Economist - Test, trial, validation, expertise (M/F) to join its team.

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Great projects to invest in within our network

VitiVisio designs and develops innovative solutions for precision viticulture, combining sensors and AI to enable winegrowers to accelerate the transition to more efficient and environmentally-friendly viticulture. VitiVisio develops Decision Support Tools (DST) based on the analysis of data collected in the vineyard down to the very last foot, using cutting-edge optical sensors and a SaaS interface. In this way, the company meets the needs of winegrowers to optimize harvesting, improve productivity and reduce pesticide use. Today, VitiVisio places its technological expertise at the service of vineyards the world over to accelerate the ecological transition and combat the effects of climate change.

Wattpark is France's leading manufacturer of electric vehicle charging stations. Wattpark offers an entire ecosystem, with an application that lets you reserve a charging station at your destination in advance, or manage charging stations for a pool of company vehicles. Thanks to an agreement with Mutares, industrial production of the charging stations began in mid-November 2023 at the former Ford factory in Bordeaux.

We are a startup eyeGauge and we propose a digitalization solution for ship owners and ship operators that helps to save fuel, reduce emissions, prevent breakdowns in the middle of the ocean and maintenance costs. Unlike existing offers on the market, we have a cost efficient and non-invasive solution that can make any ship smart.

Hello RSE is the world's first marketplace to offer a catalog of 50,000 products, mainly digital, at competitive prices compared with its competitors. It highlights the environmental impact of each product thanks to a proprietary index, based on data recognized by ADEME. The company targets 75% of public-sector buyers for their over-the-counter spending (excluding calls for tender), as well as 20% of businesses and 5% of individuals. Hello RSE is an SSE company with the "Numérique Responsable 2" (Lucie) label. It is committed to combating greenhouse gas emissions, both in terms of eco-design and usage, and complies with new regulations such as CSRD, Agec/Pacte laws.

Wallace Technologies is a DeepTech start-up with the ambition of setting the standard in massive electricity storage for the energy transition. The company's solution, based on a phase-change material for energy storage, is highly efficient, thanks to an additive manufacturing high-compact exchanger developed by an expert team in collaboration with the "Georges Friedel" laboratory at the Saint-Etienne Ecole des Mines.

SPECTRONITE has developed a revolutionary technology that enables mobile operators to extend the coverage of their 5G network. This innovation is particularly relevant in areas where optical fiber is not available, and where the return on investment of conventional deployment is not guaranteed, outside urban areas. By offering speeds 10 times higher than traditional solutions on the market, without increasing energy consumption, SPECTRONITE reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) of these radio networks. What's more, by developing an entirely French solution and locating its production in France, SPECTRONITE also aims to contribute to the rebirth of an industry of excellence in the French telecoms sector, while participating in France's reindustrialization strategy.

EDEN is the 1st AI solution to detect fraudulent sites, calculate the CSR impact of e-commerce brands and track prices to give consumers back their purchasing power (33.70% average savings achieved by users).

The company has carried out over 4 years of R&D with leading researchers from Polytechnique, Pierre et Marie Curie and the Corps des Mines. Traction is strong, with over 120,000 users of the solution and more than 1,500 premium subscriptions taken out. Sales are set for very strong growth: + €3 million forecast for 2023 and + €33 million by 2028[Access the project].

Carrés Futés specializes in value-added culinary aids for supermarkets: The first 100% French Bouillon : a bouillon cube made in France from 100% French ingredients: Camargue salt, French carrots, etc... It's the only 100% French bouillon cube! A vegetable tablet for cooking: made from vegetable concentrate and cocoa butter, Carrés Futés offers a vegetable tablet that can be used grated or melted in all kinds of dishes: broths, soups, stews, savory cakes, etc? You name it! And with no added salt! Fruit bars for cooking: Fruit concentrate combined with cocoa butter for delicious fruit desserts! Melted, grated or in nuggets, let your creativity run wild!

Namma is a Bordeaux-based start-up specializing in the manufacture of hybrid machines for industry. The start-up's innovation is a machine combining three processes: 3D printing, machining and laser engraving to produce prototypes, tooling and final parts. With its first range of prototyping machines, called EVA, due to go on sale in 2022, the company has made a name for itself with customers such as THALES and ARIANE GROUP. Now, with a new range of LUCY machines and a new process: hybrid 3D printing, the company is tackling the market for short-run parts[Access to the project].

80% of plant-based alternatives to meat are made up of 20 to 30 ingredients, whereas meat is just 1 ingredient! Vegetable alternatives are accused of ultra-processing: they are produced from flours that require the addition of additives known to be the cause of serious chronic diseases. AuraLIP has developed an innovative IMPACT directed fermentation technology using hemp seeds! France is Europe's leading and the world's third largest producer of hemp. Its cultivation is respectful of the environment (little water, no pesticides, plants absorb 15T CO2/ha). AuraLIP's technology, patented and awarded the deeptech label by BPI France, is also sustainable. It requires little water, little energy and produces no waste. The substrate is recycled from start to finish. [Access the project]

Kimialys develops and markets an innovative chemical treatment for surfaces used in diagnostics (nanoparticles, chips, electrodes), enabling tests to be made more sensitive and specific, and opening the way to new clinical applications. Kimialys' core technology is based on a proprietary method of pre-functionalizing biochips and nanoparticles, and represents a major breakthrough in biosensor coating. [Access the project]

Would you like to find out more?



CORAM 2024" call for projects

The aim of this call for projects is to support research and development projects, led by companies in the automotive industry and players in the road mobility ecosystem, which will accelerate the market launch of ambitious, profoundly innovative and sustainable mobility technologies, services and/or solutions, from the applied research phases through to more downstream demonstration of the benefits of a system or service based on this system, in its operational environment. CORAM 2024 sets six priority themes. Projects must fall within one of these themes:

  • Track 1: Zero-emission vehicles and structuring projects in the value chain;
  • Component 2: Improving vehicle environmental performance;
  • Component 3: Other areas for eliminating vehicle-related pollution;
  • Strand 4: Connected, automated vehicles and mobility services;
  • Track 5: Road mobility systems and services;
  • Track 6: Shared platform projects.

The call for projects is open until September 17, 2024, at 12pm Paris time.

I am a candidate

Business Angels of the Grandes Écoles

Headquarters: 12 rue de Poitiers 75007 Paris

Offices: 1 rue de Stockholm 75008 Paris

Tel: 01 42 22 67 35

Paul Leondaridis, President / Yannis Sahraoui, Managing Director
Dimitri Lionel A.Omgba, Communications Manager [Send your subject to the editor]

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