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ENSTA Paris engineers and health - dossier

18 December 2023 Network News

When we think of healthcare professionals, we first think of doctors, specialists, nurses, nursing staff and the entire medical profession. Then there are the staff of hospitals, care centers, residential homes for the sick or elderly... and it rarely occurs to us to think of engineers. Hugues DE MOLLERAT DU JEU (ENSTA Paris 1980).

And yet, today's engineers are at the crossroads of many healthcare innovations. Julien SPORTISSE (ENSTA Paris 2002)

... and many Alumni have been involved since the 1990s. Whether working in research, IT development, consulting or medicine, their backgrounds are diverse and varied, with their general engineering training providing them with interdisciplinary skills and a global vision of situations. Laurent THIEFFRY (ENSTA Paris 1990)

On the theme of "ENSTA Paris engineers and health", ENSTA Alumni interviewed several of this year's graduates:

Through their testimonials, they agreed to talk about their school and professional careers, their vision and the role of engineers in healthcare.

ENSTA Alumni would like to thank all the Alumni who have contributed to this dossier.